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The company demonstrates its commitment to a sustainable future

Inael Electrical Systems is pleased to announce that it has obtained the Organizational Carbon Footprint certification, an international recognition that validates its commitment to sustainability and the fight against climate change.

The certification, granted by Aenor, has been obtained after a rigorous evaluation process that has measured the company’s greenhouse gas emissions in its global operations. The result has been the certification of Inael as an organization with a low carbon footprint, which demonstrates its commitment to reducing its environmental impact.

Roberto Sánchez, responsible for LRP and environment, stated: “We are very proud to have obtained the Organizational Carbon Footprint certification. This achievement reflects our firm commitment to sustainability and the fight against climate change. At Inael, we are convinced that companies have a fundamental role to play in building a greener and more sustainable future.”

Inael understands that sustainability is a continuous journey, not a final destination, and its current strategy, A New Era of Sustainaelbility, is not a way of selling false social responsibility to the public, but rather an example that the company is committed to sustainability. constant improvement of its environmental and social performance and obtaining organizational carbon footprint certification is an important step on this path.

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